Rabu, 04 April 2012
Benarkah Latihan Beban Pacu Gairah Seks?
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Seorang teman berusia paruh baya mengaku kemampuan seksnya bertambah akhir-akhir ini karena rajin menjalani latihan beban. Ia sendiri bingung, apakah itu suatu kebetulan atau secara ilmiah dapat diterangkan hubungan antara latihan beban dan kemampuan seksual seseorang, khususnya bagi mereka yang usianya tak muda lagi.
Bila ditelaah lebih jauh, sang teman ini bukanlah pria muda usia yang tengah dalam puncak gairah dan kemampuan seksual. Namun begitu, walau tidak terbilang muda, ia dapat memaksimalkan potensi dan kemampuannya di tengah bayang-bayang dan ancaman penuaan (aging).
Penuaan adalah proses yang tak dapat dihindari oleh siapapun. Banyak pria atau wanita yang mengaku tak sekuat ketika muda, termasuk dalam hal seks. Namun begitu, meski usia di atas 40 tahun, tak perlu kekuatan dalam arti seluas-luasnya harus menurun drastis.
Agar penurunan kekuatan tak menurun terlalu cepat, termasuk kemampuan seksualnya, ada banyak cara yang dapat dilakukan. Namun sebelum itu, ada baiknya kita juga memahami apa sebenarnya seksualitas itu? Seksualitas adalah perasaan kuat, segar dan tetap bernafsu, dan kegembiraan akan keadaan badannya, kekuatan serta kemampuannya untuk menikmati kehidupan seksnya. Lalu apa yang menghalangi atau bahkan membunuh perasaan itu?
Menurut Dr. Sadoso Sumosardjuno Sp. KO, pakar kesehatan olahraga dalam buku Pengetahuan Praktis Kesehatan dalam Olahraga, bila seseorang menjadi lebih tua, kecepatan metabolismenya cenderung menurun, dan karenanya energinya pun menurun. Akibat penurunan ini terjadi timbunan lemak karena asupan makanan tetap sama sedangkan aktivitas fisik berkurang. Kemudian, otot-otot mengalami kemunduran terus tiap tahun, setelah usia 30 tahun, sehingga otot menjadi kendor.
Baik pria maupun wanita, yang badannya lembek dan kendor, tentu saja tidak seksi lagi. Dengan penurunan otot-otot, dengan sendirinya postur (sikap badan) Anda akan berubah. Yang seharusnya bahu ke belakang, menjadi ke depan. Yang seharusnya berjalan dengan langkah yang atletis, berjalan agak terseret-seret.
Otot-otot trapesius dan otot latisimus dorsi (otot-otot di punggung) mulai mengendor, yang menyebabkan Anda nampak lebih tua. Kemudian, kekuatannya pun menjadi berkurang pula. Akhirnya tidak merasa cukup kuat dart tegap dalam penampilannya.
Pendeknya, Anda nampak jadi loyo. Ini kurang menguntungkan bagi keadaan seksualitas Anda. Dan akhirnya, yang paling penting adalah pada waktu Anda melihat di cermin, Anda melihat badan Anda yang kurang segar dan kendor menggelembyor. Hal ini akan mempengaruhi diri Anda sendiri dan mengakibatkan hambatan pada kemampuan seksual Anda.
Bagaimana caranya mengatasi masalah ini? Anda sebaiknya segera melakukan latihan beban dan tentu saja harus dengan cara yang benar. Dengan latihan yang benar, maka Anda akan memperoleh beberapa manfaat sebagai berikut :
(1) Memperbaik postur tubuh dengan segera dan energi Anda akan bertambah. Dengan latihan-latihan beban, otot-otot akan berkembang. Latihan-latihan olahraga juga menaikkan metabolisme Anda. Otot adalah satu-satunya jaringan di dalam badan, yang selalu membakar kalori meskipun Anda dalam keadaan tidak aktif. Misalnya, Anda menggerakkan otot-otot di badan, berarti Anda akan membakar kalori lebih banyak daripada biasanya, meskipun Anda dalam keadaan tidur. Karena penggunaan kalori lebih banyak, maka tak akan terjadi timbunan lemak, meskipun makannya agak banyak.
(2) Badan Anda mulai agak keras. Setelah kurang lebih berlatih selama 8 minggu, maka akan terasa badan Anda menjadi keras pada paha dan lengan Anda. Anda mulai merasa seksi sebab keras adalah seksi.
(3) Kemudian Anda mulai merasa lebih kuat. Anda mulai merasa memiliki tenaga kembali, ada perasaan; Anda akan dapat melakukannya. Sikap Anda menjadi baru, baik dalam pemikiran maupun sepak terjang Anda. Kemudian Anda lebih berani mendekati lawan jenis Anda.
(4) Akhirnya yang paling penting adalah bahwa seluruh badan Anda telah menjadi segar kembali. Setelah 6 bulan melakukan latihan, Anda melihat di cermin, Anda akan melihat bentuk badan yang menjadi lebih bagus, yang mungkin sekali belum pernah mengalami punya bentuk badan sebagus itu. Maka timbullah rasa bangga, dan bentuk badan sebagus itu tentunya tak akan mengecewakan bila dilihat dalam keadaan tanpa busana.
Dari penelitian-penelitian yang telah dilakukan, ternyata baik pria maupun wanita yang usianya antara 35-45 tahun yang diberikan latihan beban yang sederhana saja, maka kesegaran jasmaninya menjadi lebih baik, tak nampak loyo lagi. Ternyata, mereka memiliki rasa percaya diri serta memiliki pula rasa lebih mampu dalam aktivitas seksual. Oleh sebab itu, tak usah menunggu lagi, Anda yang memerlukannya, mulailah olahraga latihan beban, tentu saja secara teratur dan terukur.
Accessory bones, from Classical to Punk
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Bone and horn, from cattle to buffalo, is abundant in this country. With the unique engineering and design, natural materials were processed into accessories, such as tribal earrings, hairpin, comb, and necklaces, which successfully targeted the United States and European markets.
Beekmans Goddess Sarah (35) positioned Leginayba, accessory brand he created, as an environmentally friendly product. Leginayba made from natural ingredients that have become waste or recyclable. In addition to bone and horn cow or buffalo, the remaining pieces of wood furniture industry disulapnya also be interesting accessories.
Among the wide variety of products Leginayba, two of which are selling well in export markets are the earrings tribal (tribal earrings) and hair accessories.
"Tribal earrings that are long enough to be a trend in Europe and the U.S.. So, the more hits Lisbeth Salander used the time in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Now the people in Indonesia began to look as well, "said Sarah. Lisbeth is a punk-looking genius female character in the novel and the film's box office.
Tribal earrings are rooted in tribal traditions of the world can only be used initially to imagine someone with a big hole in the earlobe. Because the materials used are usually pieces of bone, horn, or wood, these earrings are usually relatively large size.
Tribal earrings soared to a trend since the gauge was made with fake models. This model looks like a tribal earrings are great, but the part that penetrates the ear is actually just a small wire connections linking the two parts of a large ring on the front and rear. That way, for tribal style with earrings no longer need to pierce ears are large.
This earring design is no longer just a simple piece of bone or wood. Artistic variations that can no longer be limited. However, the unique design looks complicated and sometimes even still have easy and comfortable to wear.
Not just a punkTribal earrings now no longer represents the punk style. Consumers Leginayba even order these earrings for the bride and all bridesmaids at the wedding. "There is also an everyday wear to the office," said Sarah.
Leginayba now not only accommodate the tastes of punk. Classic products, such as hairpin and comb, also proved to still be on the radar of the latest trends. "In Europe and the U.S., classical and contemporary models are equally sold," she said, while waiting for the outlets in Indonesia Fashion Week, a few weeks ago.
Among the collection Leginayba hairpin, there is designed as a form dragon, oriental, birds, vine leaves as well. "In Europe and the United States, many also know the owner of the long hair community," he said.
Hairpin at this time can not only be used as a hair accessory. However, often also used to "lock" the knot-complementary fashion scarf on the rise today.
In addition to be made from bone and horn, Leginayba also made of wood hairpin. This determined the choice of materials and color models of the product you want to get. "We do not paint, just polish, so color is the color of the material," he said.
Hairpin of wood, for example, often also combined with other materials as decorative ornaments such as shells, pearls, ceramic, or metal rust free. In addition to hairpin, hair accessories market is also attractive comb, comb sort that serves as a short-hair trimmer.
Processed before it can be an accessory, the horn should be first heated with a furnace to soften. Then, the new horns can be cut and pressed to the flat. After like "sheet", then formed or bent in accordance with the design. While the bone is done directly by carving.
"It's a niche product. We can compete because of a material that meets the requirements of eco jewelry. Indonesia also has the skills to carve and polish technique is different from the bone when the material is wood, "said the woman bleeding Bugis of South Sulawesi, this. Sources: BANJARMASINPOST
Beekmans Goddess Sarah (35) positioned Leginayba, accessory brand he created, as an environmentally friendly product. Leginayba made from natural ingredients that have become waste or recyclable. In addition to bone and horn cow or buffalo, the remaining pieces of wood furniture industry disulapnya also be interesting accessories.
Among the wide variety of products Leginayba, two of which are selling well in export markets are the earrings tribal (tribal earrings) and hair accessories.
"Tribal earrings that are long enough to be a trend in Europe and the U.S.. So, the more hits Lisbeth Salander used the time in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Now the people in Indonesia began to look as well, "said Sarah. Lisbeth is a punk-looking genius female character in the novel and the film's box office.
Tribal earrings are rooted in tribal traditions of the world can only be used initially to imagine someone with a big hole in the earlobe. Because the materials used are usually pieces of bone, horn, or wood, these earrings are usually relatively large size.
Tribal earrings soared to a trend since the gauge was made with fake models. This model looks like a tribal earrings are great, but the part that penetrates the ear is actually just a small wire connections linking the two parts of a large ring on the front and rear. That way, for tribal style with earrings no longer need to pierce ears are large.
This earring design is no longer just a simple piece of bone or wood. Artistic variations that can no longer be limited. However, the unique design looks complicated and sometimes even still have easy and comfortable to wear.
Not just a punkTribal earrings now no longer represents the punk style. Consumers Leginayba even order these earrings for the bride and all bridesmaids at the wedding. "There is also an everyday wear to the office," said Sarah.
Leginayba now not only accommodate the tastes of punk. Classic products, such as hairpin and comb, also proved to still be on the radar of the latest trends. "In Europe and the U.S., classical and contemporary models are equally sold," she said, while waiting for the outlets in Indonesia Fashion Week, a few weeks ago.
Among the collection Leginayba hairpin, there is designed as a form dragon, oriental, birds, vine leaves as well. "In Europe and the United States, many also know the owner of the long hair community," he said.
Hairpin at this time can not only be used as a hair accessory. However, often also used to "lock" the knot-complementary fashion scarf on the rise today.
In addition to be made from bone and horn, Leginayba also made of wood hairpin. This determined the choice of materials and color models of the product you want to get. "We do not paint, just polish, so color is the color of the material," he said.
Hairpin of wood, for example, often also combined with other materials as decorative ornaments such as shells, pearls, ceramic, or metal rust free. In addition to hairpin, hair accessories market is also attractive comb, comb sort that serves as a short-hair trimmer.
Processed before it can be an accessory, the horn should be first heated with a furnace to soften. Then, the new horns can be cut and pressed to the flat. After like "sheet", then formed or bent in accordance with the design. While the bone is done directly by carving.
"It's a niche product. We can compete because of a material that meets the requirements of eco jewelry. Indonesia also has the skills to carve and polish technique is different from the bone when the material is wood, "said the woman bleeding Bugis of South Sulawesi, this. Sources: BANJARMASINPOST